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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:47 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Sheath Cleaning - Tara Wheeler

    Well, y'all inspired me.
    After spending a good bit of the last 24 hours laughing at all the accounts
    of sheath cleaning, I went out and cleaned my boy's dangly wobblies.
    It went really well.  I'd bought a bottle of Excalibur in the spring,
    meaning to use it on him, but kept putting it off.  So, I got that out and
    hauled a big bucket of hot water out to the paddock.  I mixed it with cold,
    so it was a nice warm temp, got a small sponge and went to work.  He
    wouldn't drop, but he didn't have a real problem with me going in after it.
    He had a bean in there the size of a large marble.
    He also taught me that he'd prefer that I used the warm water rather than
    the straight cold.  :)
    So after I was done with him, I put him in a pen with some graze as a treat
    for being good.  He walked over to the corner for a pee and I swear to you,
    the look on his face was priceless when he didn't get pee all over his feet.
    Now,  if I could only get over this compulsive hand washing. . . (they don't
    smell, I just keep finding myself washing them over and over and over).
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