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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:11 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] helmets/riding ability - Truman Prevatt

    It probably isn't the "getting dumped" that results in the accidents that can kill or maim, its the crashes. The kind where you are going along at a pretty good clip and the horse catches a root hidden under the sand and goes down, you hop a little creek and the bank gives way and the horse goes down and rolls, you are running along at an easy hand gallop and the ground opens up and you find no horse under you, your horse slips off the trail and rolls at the Tevis, etc.. There is no riding skill that will save when something like this happens. That's when all riders get hurt from novice to olympic caliber.

    The film Lisa mention, "Every Time Every Ride" is a must see. Every person in that film that is either no longer with us or in a wheel chair was a professional with years of experience. When man an gravity clash, man usually comes out on the short end. Gravity never ask, "are you a good rider," she just does her thing. A helmet won't keep gravity from having her way with you but it will change come of the dynamics in the equation so maybe you egg won't be cracked.


    Lif Strand wrote:

    Didn't say that they were, but I do believe that most are rider caused. Otherwise the many hours spent in the saddle (as Heidi mentioned) and rider education (lessons, as I said) wouldn't have any effect at all. I could be full of hooey here, but I bet if other riders on this list who have received instruction along the way and who have spent many, many hours in the saddle would respond, you'd find that these people get dumped a lot less (as a group) than people who are inexperienced and/or have never had lessons (again, as a group - there are *always* individual exceptions!). In other words, to put it plainly, good riders aren't likely to get dumped as often as bad.

    I am not saying don't use a helmet. I AM saying band aids don't prevent cuts from happening and a helmet won't prevent horse accidents either, but lessons and time in the saddle will. Enough blows to the head even with a helmet and brain damage can still occur. I'd rather not fall off in the first place.

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    Re: [RC] helmets/riding ability, Lif Strand