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    Fw: [RC] Finish lines and criteria - Howard Bramhall

    I'll tell you what, I am so confused here, now, more than I ever was before on this issue.  Thanks Truman, Bob, John, and everyone else for making it all as "clear as Georgia mud" for me.   Before this week, I thought I actually understood this rule.  Now, I'm clueless, as usual.
    My question is, "Why wasn't this ever addressed earlier?"  This seems to be one of those examples of some kind of kid's game where you make the rules up, or interpret them, as you go along.  All this time on Ridecamp (for me) and this is the first I've ever heard about this one.  You're now telling me that I don't have one hour after completing a 50 to present my horse?  I'm still not clear on what this rule is.
    All I can say is I'm not going to mention this at the GERA ride coming up next week-end.  And, please, if you're going, don't ask the vet about this rule.  SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  We got an hour; it's always been that way.
    Every ride I've gone to down here, it's been an hour, after finishing a 50 miler, from the time I cross that finish line (a rarity) till when I have to present my horse to that dreaded vet check.  And, I take up quite a bit of it.  NOt for the horse, for me!
    THere's never a line cause by the time I'm done completing, everyone else is finished, washed, fed, and cleaned up their horses and they're all taking a nap (horses & humans, both).  That's when I do finish, which has become an infrequent event, so maybe, that's why I'm not up on this rule as much as I should be.  I rarely get to experience the 50 mile finish line.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Truman Prevatt
    Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 1:07 PM
    To: jlong@xxxxxxxx
    Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC] Finish lines and criteria
    If the finish is a vet control point - which is established in 6.2.1
    (see Randy's post) - then the 30 minute pulse applies. This type of
    confusion can happen when you tinker with rules instead of rewriting
    them for consistency.  Probably needs some work. I would consider the
    interpretation of the rules committee to be the "law of the land" unless
    over ridden by the BOD, or the protest committee if a protest were filed.


    Joe Long wrote:

    >On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 09:56:35 -0400, Truman Prevatt
    ><tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    >I don't agree.  That's like saying if one Circuit Court judge makes a
    >ruling on some point of law, that is the Law of the Land.  The final
    >arbiter of our rules in AERC is the Board of Directors.
    >I just looked at the *entire* Rule 6 in context, and has
    >serious problems.  It is in the wrong place, for one thing.  Whereas
    >6. deals with the overall requirements for completing a ride, and
    >includes "f.  passing vet check requirements" and "i. meeting criteria
    >at post-finish-line check" (note these are two distinct line items),
    >6.2 deals in particular with the post-finish-line check.  Nothing else
    >in 6.2 applies to any other check.  So, putting a rule applying to vet
    >checks *during the ride* under 6.2 was putting it in the wrong place,
    >guaranteed to cause confusion.  It belongs under 6.1.  IMO it also
    >needs to be re-written to make it clear to everyone that the
    >post-finish-line check is a different check where 60 minutes is

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