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    Re: [RC] [RC] Equine Clinicians Compete - Jim Holland

    IMHO, this type of event is a "stunt" to publicize the clinician.  I
    like John Lyons' stuff generally, and use many of his techniques such as
    trailer loading, standing, and leading. He espouses daily "tiny" lessons
    as well, which is the BEST way to do it. In general, this does not come
    across well, because it seems that folks would like their horse to go
    from "never seen a saddle" to "seasoned trail horse" immediately. 
    Although the clinician's "do it all in two hours" is "more kind" than
    the old way, IMO, it is not the way to obtain lasting results, create a
    strong bond with your horse, reduce the stress, and give him time to
    absorb things.
    There is sort of a concensus that it takes 3 years to build an Endurance
    horse, and all of that is not conditioning. You have to train his mind
    as well. In a recent foreword in "The PERFECT HORSE", John Lyons wrote
    that "you are training your horse every time you interact with him. Your
    training is on-going, and you are teaching him, whether you intend to or
    not". For example, if you don't require him to lead correctly when you
    take him out to the pasture, don't expect him to lead properly in the
    arena or on the trail. Consistency, Consistency, Consistency.
    I bought my second horse "Magic" a year an a half ago at 4 1/2. He has
    the most wonderful disposition...a gentle little guy who who had been
    imprinted, handled a lot, and just LOVES people, but he rubbed on me,
    invaded my space and stepped on my feet, lipped or bit everything he
    could reach, couldn't stand still for 5 seconds, wouldn't drop his head,
    wiggled around and yanked on you when you picked up his rear feet (and
    wouldn't pick them up for you), didn't like fly spray, wouldn't let me
    wash his face with the hose, and wouldn't come when I called him, just
    to name a few things. (He was also allergic to mailboxes and and
    seriously infected with "sponge-itis".) A real free spirit!
    He will be 6 next month. The longest time I have spent with him in the
    round pen has been a few 20 minute sessions, and that was to teach "come
    on command", and to stand while I walked away, then come to me when I
    give him the cue. Never did a session two days in a row. WITH NO
    RESTRAINT OR HALTER, he now stands quietly in the hallway or on the
    washrack without noodling on things, picks up his feet for me when I
    cue, loves his bath and follows me on his own out to the wash rack,
    leads on my shoulder, stays out of my space, and ground ties while I
    open gates and doors. He drops his head to have it washed and clipped.
    Every time I feed him, or brush him, or lead him, or just go out and
    scratch him, I'm always training...looking for new stuff to show him.
    Will your horse let you blow out his feet with an air compressor? <grin>
    Mine will!
    I have not ridden him at a canter for more than a few yards, (then
    usually because of a spook), and we are just now beginning to do LSD
    controlled trotting. He doesn't "go fast", because he's never been
    ALLOWED to go fast. He's always controlled, controlled, controlled, and
    asked to listen, listen, listen. We will EVOLVE into controlled "going
    fast" over time, always going back and forth from walk to trot to
    He still has things left to learn, but the point is that all this stuff
    just "happened" over an 18 month period without him really being
    subjected to any kind of stress other than for a minute or so, followed
    by a "calm down". He's allowed to make mistakes, but is judged on
    whether I think he "knew better". He's never allowed to do something
    wrong without correction, and never asked to do something I don't think
    he can do successfully. 
    He went from being frantic when I took Sunny away riding or on the
    trailer to now just standing there watching us leave without even a
    There are some exceptions. He nipped me on the arm once while I was
    picking up wet shavings in his stall with a big aluminum corn shovel. I
    hit him across the ribs with that corn shovel like Chipper Jones hits
    homers! Made a nice "whang"! Since that day, he has never offered to
    open his mouth to nip or bite. This kind of behavior, along with
    kicking, IS grounds for some serious stress!
    IMHO, there are no "quck fixes". It takes time...much time...to "build"
    a horse.  Any good rider can hop on a horse trained to be ridden and go
    from point A to point B in some fashion. However, you sure miss a lot of
    the wonderful bonding and body language that are so much a part of the
    human relationship with a horse. Folks ask me all the time "Where did
    you get such nice horses, expecially Arabians?" The answer is that they
    don't come that way. You start with a nice, sound horse with the proper
    disposition and you TRAIN him to be that way...but it doesn't happen in
    two hours.
    Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic 
    Ridecamp Guest wrote:
    > A. Perez walkergirl@xxxxxxxxxx
    > I think you need, above and beyond anything else, no matter what technique you >use, to take TIME to train a horse.
    > Going from Never-Worn-a-Halter to working under saddle in under two hours: is >that REALLY any better than the old fashioned bucking-bronc style breaking?  What >kind of lessons is the horse learning here?  HOw much is he really understanding >of what is wanted of him?  When does the melt-down come?  I woulde LOVE to talk >to someone who has taken one one of these wonder-horses after one of these >'miracle' sessions!
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    Re: [RC] [RC] Equine Clinicians Compete, Ridecamp Guest