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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:56 GMT 2003
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    [RC] West Nile Virus - goearth

    Hello,  It was probably 2 years ago i posted to RC the threat of WNV.  Some one posted..."is this to be taken seriously?"  ti responded..."Yes".  the rest is history in just 2 years and now every crow and puddle and mosquito gives me alarm.  Even tho i have given the shots i don't see that as the end all.  What is the answer to this all?  There may be none.  But the climatic change is another that may seem strange to some who scoff.  Wait and see as more virus, fires, droughts, heat, floods, ride cancellations, trail closures, bees etc. encroach on this earth.  Yes, there is an answer and it comes down to us all, wherever we are, doing our best and being honest to this Mother Earth.  Giving more than we take away.  We have had a very nice rain in the Valley and for that i am very thankful.  tom sites