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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:19 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Gold Country Endurance Ride - Pete Occhialini

    The Gold Country Endurance Ride 30/50 is being held August 10th in the beautiful El Dorado National Forest in Georgetown, Calif.  As usual, base camp will be at the Dru Barner Park.  This is a large. wooded, secluded camping area easily accessed by paved roads.
    The Club has made some exciting new changes to the ride.  Lunch will be back at base camp instead of out on the trail.  Also, this year's event will include a 20 mile Ride and Tie.  The first loop of the ride will be a 30 mile loop.  This is safe trail (no cliffs) consisting of forest road and single track trail through the dense forest. (Lots of shade)  The Ride and Tie and the 2nd loop for the 50's will be mostly forest road and then single track trail winding back to camp. 
    The vet checks will provide plenty of water, hay, bran mash, carrots, apples for the horses and snacks and drinks for the riders. 
    As usual, an experienced team of endurance veterinarians, headed by Bob Morgan from Loomis Basin will be there to assist riders and their horses.
    Come join us for a fantastic ride and a great BBQ after you finish.
    For more information, check the ride calendar for contacts.
    Thank you,
    Karin Occhialini