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    Re: [RC] Help with mileage for a newbie :).... - Tiffany D'Virgilio

    Title: Re: [RC]   Help with mileage for a newbie :)....
    on 7/31/02 8:01 PM, EquesB@xxxxxxx at EquesB@xxxxxxx wrote:

    Hey, wait a minute I take exception to that remark!  I can help someone find a property but cannot control what will happen in the future. It's just like our public trails, if we all don't get involved we will lose them to others who will work the system their way.
    I have several friends that live in equestrian communities, they stay involved with the HOA Board so as to keep the focus, lets face it equestrians are a minority we've got to participate to protect ourselves.

    Tiffany,  it sounds as if your community would make a good model!

    The line about staying involved is key. Without the club staying right there with everything, I doubt it would be as strongly equestrian as it is. You have to be active and support it all. That is why we have monthly shows, we push people to ride the trails, encourage people to put on a happy face and talk to strangers who inquire about horses. The more attractive we make ourselves, the more money we raise, the better neighbors we are impacts how we are received here. We really try to work hard at it. I am head of the calling committee for the club and we call members once a month with reminders, etc.
    We support the community and they us. This town has been this way for decades-we even have trail maps and bandanas for newcomers. Fund-raisers, golf tourneys, wine and cheese parties, trailer outs, and group rides where there are fast and slow groups. It really is nice here. Did I mention the gazillion miles of trails?:)
    Re: [RC] Help with mileage for a newbie :)...., EquesB