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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:20 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Help with mileage for a newbie :).... - EquesB

    In a message dated 7/31/02 8:55:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    If you are looking into an equestrian community be sure to do a lot of investigation - other than listen to the real estate agent.

    Hey, wait a minute I take exception to that remark!  I can help someone find a property but cannot control what will happen in the future. It's just like our public trails, if we all don't get involved we will lose them to others who will work the system their way.
    I have several friends that live in equestrian communities, they stay involved with the HOA Board so as to keep the focus, lets face it equestrians are a minority we've got to participate to protect ourselves.

    Tiffany,  it sounds as if your community would make a good model!

    Jackie Baker