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    Re: [RC] The finish at the Tevis - sindy mccosker

    Wouldn't you think that with all of the organizers and other endurance riders there at Foresthill and the Overlook that someone would have thought it was a strange situation?? I know we were sitting right behind some very well known riders at the finish and I would think that if they suspected something fishy someone would have said something. 
    I don't know what that part of the trail is like....are there usually non-race riders out at 11 pm on the weekend of the Tevis? We just thought it was a weird thing to be riding when you know full well that there is a race going on. I certainly wouldn't want to be out there on the trail when you have tired horses and riders riding in. It is just too dangerous.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Typef
    Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:12 AM
    To: msofen@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Cc: ridecamp
    Subject: Re: [RC] The finish at the Tevis
    The same thing happened at Foresthill and everybody clapped and took pictures. Then they held up pruners and said they were just clearing trail. I thought that was kind of strange since I figured ride management would have already done that. And then I figured that was cool that they were so concerned about making sure branches weren't in the way.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Mike Sofen
    Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 7:56 AM
    Subject: RE: [RC] The finish at the Tevis

    This is a very curious description...two horses and riders just "happen" to be out riding part of the Tevis trail at the very same time that Potato just "happens" to be pushing for the finish line, and there were reports of two horses joining Potato and may have been pacing him...does this strike anyone else as a bit peculiar?
    They might not have felt silly at all...
    Mike Sofen
    -----Original Message-----
    We stayed around for a while longer to see if anyone else was close. It was well after 11 pm when we decided to call it a day. Walking back to the truck we heard everyone cheering and yelling. We could see two grey horses trotting over the finish line. Cameras were flashing as a photographer took photos of them both crossing the finish line. My husband ran back down to see who it was and heard the rider of one horse saying "We weren't in the race". We laughed at how silly they must have felt. They "finished" the Tevis and have photos to prove it!! We were wondering just how many other non Tevis riders were out riding on the Western States Trail on this day?

    Happily back in California!

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