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    [RC] questionable activity - Colleen Egleston

    Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.  Sound like cheating to me, if I were the other Tevis riders I would be pitching a fit.  Was there any inquiry into this 'coincidence.'
    I remember on one of my first CTR rides, my husband and I were riding along with another couple with alot more experience than us.  At one point in the trail, they broke from a fast trot to a dead standstill and 'just decided they wanted to eat some blueberries and relax for a minute.'  My husband and I continued around the bend to find a surprise vet check, ummm, you think they knew it was there and wanted to pulse down their horses and increase their scores.  You bet. 
    Like I said, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.  The show ring people have nothing on some of the people in this sport.  I know I'll get alot of flack for that, but it's true.
    - ---- Original Message -----
    From: Mike Sofen
    Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:56 AM
    Subject: RE: [RC] The finish at the Tevis

    This is a very curious description...two horses and riders just "happen" to be out riding part of the Tevis trail at the very same time that Potato just "happens" to be pushing for the finish line, and there were reports of two horses joining Potato and may have been pacing him...does this strike anyone else as a bit peculiar?
    They might not have felt silly at all...
    Mike Sofen