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    [RC] Fw: pain and suffering - oddfarm

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: oddfarm
    Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 9:41 AM
    Subject: pain and suffering

    A bute and Corona IV. But only after you have vetted out. ;-}
    Even if you have no pain, it still makes you feel real good!
    Actually, the bute goes to the horse, the ice cold Coronas are for me. Wendy, what do you take for that knee pain?? We need to camp next to Linda, she's got it ALL!
    Hey Linda, give me a list of the rides you will be at so Wendy can ride and save herself a trip to ER. Tee-hee, just kidd'en Wendy. Those doctor's gotta make money, too.
    Lisa Salas, The Odd fARm