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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:24 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Ride Manager Integrity - Rides 2 Far

    > Remember that several of us in this discussion ARE ride managers.
    Count me. I've managed quite a few, co-managed quite a few...at 4
    different locations that I can think of. Never considered getting the
    results correct to be an unexpected burden.  By the way, the manager of
    Longstreet's Charge dropped by for lunch yesterday before Steph announced
    that the matter had been solved and really got his back up quick when he
    heard about the discussion. (and this is an easy going guy). He was ready
    to put up the money for a protest himself.  His statement was, "If I did
    anything like that I'd never get away with it from my *riders*. They'd
    keep me honest.
    The only way this decision would offend all managers is if they're *all*
    doing it.  The ones you've got to be worried about being offended are the
    ones who are following the rules and find out not everyone has to.  
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