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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:53 GMT 2003
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    [RC] The WEG Squad - Roger Rittenhouse

    Very NICE So many riders to pick from.
     I can say I NOT ONE THING to do with this.
    It is a SUPER LIST ..
    I know everyone on this list and MOST of the horses.
    The only horse only horse I have not seen or touched is Paladin.
    OK Bev  you have to come to SLC and take me up to the ranch to see
    him??  At least come down and vist  its just a BOD meeting...hehehe
    KATHY  way too cool
    Heather a Wedding Present
    Cia  but she cant sit down
     Bev the new one to the latest FEI world scene ? Right?
    or did Omar go to one way back?
    Val and Steve the SOLID ANCHORS to a WINNING TEAM
    > Named to the squad of six (in alphabetical order) are:
    > 1. Heather Bergantz of San Jose, California, and Crystals Charm
    > 2. Kathy Brunjes of Bethel, ME, and Ali Darkness
    > 3. Beverly Gray            of Park City, UT, with Paladin
    > 4. Valerie Kanavy of Fort Valley, VA and Shahdon
    > 5. Cia Reis of Pennsdale, PA, and Catch A Wave
    > 6. Steve Rojek of South Woodstock, VT and Finally
    I am really excited for this group - the selection process appears to
    have worked well.
    The back up alternates are also solid
    How many extras will go to  Spain . $$$ will be the problem
    You all keep these boys SOUND
    I wont be going this year  - many many reasons...
    Roger Rittenhouse
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