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    Re: [RC] [RC] Ponying - Lori Bertolucci

    It's all about keeping your thumb out of your dally. You will see many a roper that is missing his thumb, all because he dallyed it up in the rope on the saddle horn. When your horse and saddle are going one way and the cow, horse in your neighbors incident, went the other, and thumb is in the way, well...something has to give.
    Definitely not a pretty sight.
    Lori B.
    (that is why I don't rope or dally while ponying)
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Deanna German
    Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 4:40 PM
    To: Merryben@xxxxxxx; Ridecamp
    Subject: RE: [RC] [RC] Ponying
    Back at the end of May when I was packing up to go to a CTR, the barn
    owner's husband came down and said, "hey, you missed all the excitement" he
    then went on to describe this event:

    He was leading horses from the front pasture when a woman came galloping up
    from the trails down their lane. She pulled up and said that the EMT's were
    on their way, could they use this lane. She wanted him to call the EMT's and
    help direct them back to her brother. When asked what happened she said,
    "I've got my brother's thumb in my back pocket!"

    If you are like me, you are now gasping in horror. Yup, he was ponying a
    horse off of his. I don't know the specifics of what he was doing or how he
    got into trouble. They did get him out of there and he stayed lucid at least
    until they got him into the ambulance. The story got passed around here and
    I heard from my farrier that he's doing OK. (If, by any chance, anyone here
    was involved in this, our barn would like to know how things turned out.)

    So add that to the list of things not to do: don't lose any digits!

    Deanna (Ohio)

    what is the safest way to pony a horse?

    Don't let the lead rope get under the lead horse's tail....mb

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