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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:57 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Hopkins Creek - FancyNite

    I have to share my excitement with you all. (so bare with me, I am not a story teller like Howard)

    On our travels up to Hopkins Creek we went through some serious storms and at one point we considered turning around.  Was it really worth going any further when you're going to have to camp with an 11 mth old in the rain?  You bet.

    We arrived at camp around 1pm, unloaded the horses and playpen and let little Colton supervise the set up efforts.  What a champ. camper this kid is.

    Friday night it rained most of the night.  I awoke to sprinkles, nothing serious, then I tried to open the door of the trailer.  Problem Houston. Being the dingdongs that we are, we forgot to lower one side of the awning ... it had rained so much that we had a pool in our awning.  So I proceeded to fix the problem. I managed to drench myself and flood our camp. Throwing my arms up to the sky as baby toys floated by.  The morning from that moment on was great.  A refreshing cold shower first thing in the morning sure wakes ya up quick. (thanks dad)

    The ride started at 5:30. Great start, (my heart was pounding) except for being up front, hadn't planned that one. We did the first 15 mile loop in 1 hr. and 14 minutes. wow, I remember telling Robert, "I am NOT going to keep this pace all day."  Walked to the muck buckets, (not looking at my heart monitor) grabbed a scoop and poured it over Savages neck, looked at the heart monitor. 60 (my eyeballs popped out of my head) Time please. Robert and Shark were right behind us.  COOL
    I should have known it was going to be a good day, when Shark (Roberts horse) was drinking on the first loop.

    We tried to slow Savage and Shark quite a few times on the 10 mile loop with no avail.  They were grabbing bites while cruising down the trail, and drinking at every puddle. YEAH  We arrive back at camp and again Savage is the first one to pulse down.  (Man I love this horse) Here we got 5 minutes on Robert and Shark.  
    This was our lunch break.  Boys ate like champs, perky, bright eyed and aware of everything.  

    The 3rd loop (the 15 again) was basically the same. SUPER  Robert and Shark caught up to us, and the Boys (Shark and Savage) looked like two beautifully crafted machines going down the trail, loving their job.  The feeling of being 10' tall (as Julie says) IS an amassing one.  I have never been more proud of my boy Savage. He again was the first to pulse down when we came in and his CRIs where superb all day.

    We leave for the last loop with only 2 minutes on Robert and Shark, so I knew they were coming and so did Savage.  We rounded this turn and there was the most horrifying monster you ever want to see, just ask Savage.  Turned out to be a deer. (hey they are scary) And when that deer decided to move Savage turned into the silly Anglo. (Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hide)  His feet were suddenly rooted to the ground and with the next spring we were in the bushes, then a final buck of displeasure.  Wow you talk about an adrenaline booster.

    This day will probably never be repeated.  It was perfect (after the shower that is).  Everything just fell perfectly.  Well, not true, my mother (Julie Powell) pulled at the first check.  She said Kais just didn't feel right in his right lead, she could feel something.  And as you all know, it just isn't worth it.   PERIOD

    I have been riding horses all my life, I was 8 yrs old at the time of my first ride.  I've received BC, I have received 1st junior, etc.  But I have NEVER in 23 years of being involved in endurance, crossed the finish line first.  Well, today I did.  And with my husband right behind me, my mother and son and Jeanie Miller (who sponsored me quite a few times) at the finish line.  I was definitely having one of life's greatest moments unfold.  And yes, you bet I cried. For a half hour I think.  I hugged my partner and then my husband and Shark.  We finished with a ride time of 4:13.

    I thought I would actually have a chance at BC.  But NOPE. Robert got me on the weight.  It still came home with one of my horses though and to me that is still an honor and a day that will always be remembered in my memory banks.

    Thank you Larry and Jeanie for a fun ride and an AWESOME marked trail.  I know there was a few who missed a turn, but I must say, I don't know how.

    Happy Trails to all
    Jinnifer Plummer #2625
    And that amassing critter Fancy Savage Nite <g>