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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:14 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] LD Ride or Race what ever you want
  • - Jeanne Slominski
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  • - sharp penny

    Re: [RC] Leaving after rides - FASTGraphic

         Words do, indeed have specific meanings.  You misused the word "whence" 
    and I think you meant to use the plural "condemnations" rather than the 
    singular form you wrote.  Spell checkers can only do so much - they cannot 
    correct sentences which, as written, make no sense or are grammatically 
         I will only reiterate that I was precise about the abusive Ricky-racer 
    types.  Others took it much farther and complained that leaving, in and of 
    itself, was not abusive when I never said that it was.  I "tread" on no one - 
    merely express my opinion.  And, for the record, I LOVE "getting it back at 
    me."  Makes a conversation stimulating.  I take my wife and my children and 
    my horses seriously.  I take this ridecamp stuff with an enjoyable and spicy 
    grain of salt.  
         If some feel abused, they are, IMHO, thin-skinned.  Perhaps this is a 
    problem with e-mail.  You folks can't see the huge grin on my face when I 
    read "get a life" or "grow up" or some other outburst of emotion that says to 
    me - this person just had a heartfelt thought!  Yippee!
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