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    [RC] Staying over night - Cindy Collins

    Interesting discussions about staying overnight, but I shudder to think
    that another new rule might be suggested!  At some point you have to pray
    for common sense.  When I lived and competed in Ridgecrest, CA and now
    here in Cody, WY, I am less than an hour's drive from most of the rides I
    attend.  Think how silly it would be for me to be required to spend the
    night there after I finish a 50 miler at 1 PM???  One of the reasons I
    live where I do, then and now, is for the convenience of attending rides
    and only needing to spend the night before!  BTW, one of the reasons why
    the BH 100 had trouble with camp sites was complaints by previous land
    owners about the use of alcohol being excessive.  Whether it was true or
    not, it appears that this is a growing concern due to liability.  So, the
    party crowd will have to drink "in the closet"!  Oh, for the good old days
    when boys and men I knew got on their endurance horses after puking their
    guts out due to Friday night's partying!  How I miss the romance of it
    all!  ha, ha!   Cindy
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