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    [RC] won't eat hay at rides, Susan's reply - Ridecamp Guest

    Nina Vasiliev rides4fun@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Hiya Nina, maybe you could forward a copy of this post 
     to RC, as I can't post to RC from this computer and 
     yours is a really good question.
     Yes, you can absolutely provide more of the beet pulp
     slurry you described at camp, although I would of 
     course still offer some hay in case he changes his 
     mind.  As a general rule, I prefer that beet pulp make 
     up no more than about 50% of the forage ration, mostly 
     because it's a good idea to always have long stem hay or 
     grass around to satisfy the urge to graze and nibble.  
     Those recommendations are from Skip Hintz at Cornell and 
     it's good enough for me.
     However, beet pulp does contain plenty of fiber and 
     bulk, enough that it's doable for it to provide the 
     entirety of the forage ration, if you have need of it---
     as in your case, where the horse just isn't eating 
     enough hay.  Or, here in NE Colorado, the drought is 
     already sending hay prices through the roof (hopefully 
     they'll drop a bit when more first cutting comes in and 
     I can get in a year's supply), and it will actually be 
     cheaper and better nutritionally for me to feed our five-
     horses-and-a-mule on A LOT of beet pulp (Complete 
     Advantage, actually) and a little hay for noshing next 
     winter---when they're predicting grass hay will be over 
     $350 a ton, YEOW!
     So, anyway, back to your guy...go ahead with the beet 
     pulp, make sure it's very well soaked and soupy before 
     during and after the ride, and as you already mentioned, 
     delete the corn oil for the weekend.  Yeah, horses are 
     going to be carbohydrate depleted to one extent or 
     another after a ride, but don't get too caught up in 
     it.  There's tons of research about it, and it all 
     basically boils down to some-carbs-after-hard-exercise-
     are-a-good-thing.  The rest of it is mostly an academic 
     exercise that just doesn't make that big a difference in 
     the real world.  You can up the grain a bit after the 
     ride if you want (mixing it in with the slurry is great 
     at any time, including before and during the ride), and 
     after your guy is absolutely recovered and you know has 
     good gut sounds and is peeing and pooping.  A normal, 
     decent diet with a few pounds of grain will replenish 
     muscle glycogen just fine within a day or so and even a 
     difficult ride won't even come close to serious 
     depleting glycogen stores (unless you galloped the whole 
     thing flat out, or you have other issues, like poor body 
     condition or some such).  So a little extra grain or 
     carbs of some sort before you head home are just fine, 
     but never more than about 4 pounds at any one meal. You 
     can add back in the fats once you get home, but fats 
     won't replenish the glycogen stores (just thought I'd 
     throw that in) After almost any ride for 99% of the 
     riders out there, good, clean water, access to salt, all 
     the slurry he wants and some nice handwalking and a good 
     scratch provides 99% of what he needs.
     Good luck and have fun.  Wish I were out there with 
     ya. :-)
     Susan G
     >>>Hello all,
     We've been doing LDs for a few years between injuries...
     (both his
     and mine...) and now we're both in one piece and going 
     to do our 1st 50 this 
     My question is about management of his feed.
     He doesn't eat very much hay once we're at the ride 
     site. I bring
      what he usually gets at the stable where he lives...Rye 
     hay, and I keep grass 
     or timothy in the trailer.  He has free access to both 
     but doesn't eat much.  
     He will eat beet pulp.  At home he gets three scoops of 
      (I'm guessing that each scoop is about 1- 1 1/2 lbs,) 
     one lb of
      LMF Supersup G, half a cup oil, (mostly corn oil with 
     some cold
      pressed olive oil, storing only a few days supply at 
     the barn,)
       and when he needs it, a full dose of 'lytes.  
      He eats that up, YUM!
     So can I give him the above mix, (minus the oil) a few 
     times the
      day before, and during race day since he won't eat much 
     hay?  I
      think I remember that it's okay to feed more grain 
     after a race
      since the horse is in Carbo deficit.  Did I remember 
     Any ideas?
     Nina Vasiliev 
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