<% appTitle="Ridecamp Archives" %> Ridecamp: [RC] PURPOSE OF THE 'TROT OUT'

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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:27:25 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] I'm out of here
  • - SandyDSA
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  • - MARYYG


    What exactly is the purpose of the "trot out"?
        Heidi, et.al., can tell me I'm sure.
        Is it to determine whether the horse is sound?
        If so, then I don't see whether hazing is or is not even relevant.
        I know some would tell me that some vets use the trot out to check on the horse's attitude, alertness, willingness, etc.
        But, isn't soundness the primary concern during a trot out?
    Haze 'em , if you got to, don't haze 'em if you don't want to, but to determine whether they are sound, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3 or grade 4, get 'em to TROT.
        (I know I'm probably wrong, but I KNOW this post is "endurance-related"...:^).