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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:54 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Have things changed? - FancyNite

    In a message dated 06/05/2002 6:40:14 PM Central Daylight Time, hwb67@xxxxxxx writes:

    And, another thing is the wimmen have completely taken over.  Some of them will even vet the rides (if you can believe that one!), most of the ride managers are wimmen, and 90% of the riders are wimmen, so be ready.  
    Those good ole days where the men stayed up late the night before, partying and drinking heavily (these are just rumors I've heard about the good ole days) are long since gone since the wimmen have entered the game.  Forget that 9:00 AM ride start time from those good ole days; you will now be expected to get up at 3:00 AM, feed your horse, and get on that saddle two hours later.  And hang on to that horn at the start, cause those tiny hiney wimmen are not messing around here; they came to kick our butts, and they usually do.

    OK Howard.... Now you've done it<g>.... What you don't know from the "good Ole Days," is we "wimmen" kicked your butts back then too.

    And what is this implying we "wimmen" can't drink?  Heidi is 199% correct here.

    There are quite a few (men and women) on this list I have seen unscrew the top of a whiskey bottle and then suddenly loose it... Well, you can't leave a bottle of whiskey open now can ya?    And even more I have seen, STILL pop a beer after their first cup of coffee.... Helps settle the nerves ya know.. <g>

    So, if you think "Not much has changed"........ BULL PUCKY....  I will give you the fact not A LOT has changed sense 92 but almost everything has changed from the 70's and 80's.  How many men do you see nowadays wearing panty hose?
    The thing I notice the most at ride camps now is, people have forgotten how to relax and have fun.... We do this because we love it... Some really have forgotten that.

    Have fun, and keep the fuzzy side up
    Jinnifer Plummer