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On-line AERCride results and calendar site information

The on-line site for AERC information was down for part of 
today so I called up Russ where he is skiing for the week
at Whistler.  He restarted it so the site is back up.

Unfortunately the replication with the office is not running 
and that can't be restarted until he gets back this w/e.

This means that if you use the members page to make changes
it will go into the office database but will not show up 
on-line until next Monday.  The same for any new rides that 
the office posts during this week and late last week.

One example is the replacement for the NE No Frills Ride. 
It's in the system but will not appear on-line until next week.

So what's on-line right now represents the snapshot as of 
Friday and will not change until next Monday.

Russ gets to take a vacation once in a while...  He said the 
skiing was "awesome" today but was rained out yesterday.


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