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enuff breed bashing.... they are all wonderful

Carla Lawson
Lets just face it why don't all of us just say..
"my horse is better than your horse nyner nyner nyner"
Then go prove your point and show it in the riding.
Nine times out of ten its not the horse its the rider.
Carla (going prove my ayrab is better than anyones)
Ansata (I'd rather be eating)
Haley (oh she is talking about me again)
Rob (never a dull moment with a horses personality)
P.S. as for whos horse is better..yet not a one will ever be the fair
Black Stallion who in our hearts was the best in fiction.
None will be as fast as Seabiscuit, Man O'War and Citation.
None will be as noble as Black Beauty. Yet in our lives we find the
perfect horse, Fastest, most beautiful, and we spend the rest of our lives
proving that horse to the world. A horse is as beautiful as we want him to
be. Maybe some will not see it, but if you believe then thats all that

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