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Re: RC: Fw: Long Slow Distance/Another Perspective

In a message dated 1/6/02 3:52:38 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

You said this guy rode a youngster on a multie
day ride and did it mostly on foot.  I don't consider that "endurance
Riding".  If I had to hand walk my horse on foot to get thru the day, I
would not do it again for 2 days after that.  I am sure you wrote your
original post with grins, thinking how much comraderie this guy was building
with his new partner.  I have felt that way too.  But endurance riding is
just that...riding!  I know his horse learned tons about camping and trails,
etc. and that is commendable.  But to get defensive when other ER s don't
want this as an example of endurance riding...

    Whether "other ER s....want this as an example of endurance riding..." or not doesn't alter the fact that it is an example of endurance riding, as evidenced by the "U. S. Cavalry Manual on Horsemanship/Horsemastership", as well as by common practice by several tribes of indigenous peoples who actually had the horse as a focal point of their lives.
    Some folks don't want fast (read, "hot shoes") fifty's as an "example of endurance riding," but hey, it is another.
    The various methodology employed by endurance riders in the world of endurance riding/racing seems to be the same regardless of region...some ride hard and fast, some get off and do leg work with their horses, some mosey and "smell the cacti", some haven't got a clue,  and so forth.
    Each segment could "judge" the others as "not necessarily desireable," but the diversity of our sport is (to me) one of its attractions.
    Most of us, if we were to focus on the well-being of our own horses at rides, would find that a full time job....let alone attempting to mandate how others should ride their horses.
    AND, I know NONE of us would ever desire to see a horse abused, hurt or otherwise mal-treated at any ride. 
    But, I imagine folks at PETA would say just putting a halter on a horse and tying it so it can't "escape" is abuse.
    To bed, perchance to dream of riding the perfect ride....,


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