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A Confused and Dazzed Newbie...

Hi Everyone, 
I’m brand new to this list, so If I send this e-mail wrong I’m very sorry. I am also new to endurance and was hoping one or two people in the MA area could recommend a few good 25-mile rides to me.  I’ve tried contacted a few of the ‘mentors’ on the newbie section of, but not avail; no one replied =(. 

I am 14 and ride an appendix who is in his mid to late teens (we think we got him from a dealer who didn’t know much about him), he vetted out perfectly and is getting to be in decent shape, but I still want to keep this year (and most likely the next few) easy and stay 25m or under. If anyone could recommend some ‘novice friendly’ rides I’d be much appreciate it, also any advice or comments would be helpful as well. I have read the entire newbie section of as well as “Go The Distance” by Nacy S. Loving, but It’s not the same as talking “e-mail to e-mail” with other people in real time. 

Thanks, and sorry for rambling on, you guys must get emails like this a lot.
-Jessica & Mr. Bojangles

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