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Lost jacket

I am pleading DIMR - on my first 100 this last weekend I put my rain
jacket on my horse's rump during a snack break - about a mile up the
trail I realized I never did anything with it and it was no longer on
her rump.  So now I'm hoping that some kind rider behind me might have
picked it up off the trail (or highway we crossed).  It would have been
right after the courtesy stop before you crossed the highway at about
the 80 mile point.  It was a dark green rain parka, and a fairly recent
gift from my husband.  I will gladly pay to have it shipped to me if
anybody found it.
And by the way - we had an awesome ride!  We got to ride through snow in
the desert - and finish with lots of horse left.  I was so proud of her,
can I use that as an excuse for my forgetfulness too?
Thanks, Jackie for a great time - we always have fun at your rides!
Laura Fend

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