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Re: RC: What is "kewl"?

Hmmmm...Obviously the "younger" generation around your neck of the woods
is not as "kewl" as in some areas.

This is a aberration of the word "cool" in, "That's cool".  As
with most expressions like this, it means the opposite... "hot" or
"great", or exciting.  At least this is my understanding from
discussions with said juveniles. I understand the correct expression is
"Way Kewl".  I'm sure Angie could shed a little light....and perhaps a
floodlight...on this subject in an appropriate manner, since she's "Way
Kewl" herself! <grin>

I think the "cool" expression came from back some time ago when a guy
was referred to as a "Cool Cat"....perhaps Roarin' Twenties? Maybe Rock
'n Roll? .....which then became truncated to "He's cool".

Jim and Sun of Dimanche

> Tracey & Mark wrote:
> I need an American English lesson again.  I've seen this word used on
> RC and other sites, but have no idea what it means.  How is it
> pronounced.  Why is it said?
> Tracey
> (hoping she hasn't put her big foot in it again by asking the meaning
> of a really rude word!)

Richard T. "Jim" Holland                 Phone:  (706) 258-2830
LANCONN, Inc.                            FAX:    (706) 632-1271
Three Creeks Farm			 INTERNET:
175 Hells Hollow Drive                   
Blue Ridge, GA 30513

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