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Re: RC: Skito Pad Slipping - Any ideas Why? wrote:
> Leah Palestrant

> This spring I purchased a Skito Equalizer Pad and have used it all season
> (for both competitive and pleaseure riding) long without any problems.
> This last month I've started having issues with the pad slipping out from
> underneath the saddle on one side.  
> Does anyone have any ideas as to why this pad had all
> of sudden started slipping?  What can I do to stop it from slipping?
> Should I try a non-slip pad underneath?  

Leah -

If you used the pad consistently and it's recently started slipping, I
would say that the most likely reason is you or your horse becoming
laterally crooked.

Either you're riding unevenly (and keep in mind that this may not be
immediately apparent to the average observer) or your horse has
developed asymmetrical muscling on his/her back.  It sounds like the
right side is becoming weaker, particularly behind the withers.  Does
the horse "crab" (travel on an angle, or "dog-trot") at all while

Rule-Out before exploring any possible causes:  It's possible that the
horse is developing an asymmetry because of a low level of discomfort
somewhere.  It may not cause an outright lameness, but an achey lower
back or a hock or suspensory "brewing" can make a horse become a little
crooked over time while he's trying to compensate.

Obvious culprit #1 - your "sidedness" by being a human with a left- or
right- handed body in all likelihood causes you to be uneven.  As you
get fitter and stronger, the asymmetry increases rather than
disappearing.  Your strong side becomes stronger, so it does more of the
work of riding.

Possible culprit #2 - Not sure what your riding locale is, but if you
ride on auto roads whether gravel or asphalt you need to change sides
from time to time to allow the horse to develop the two sides of his/her
body evenly.  This is really important, and often undervalued ...

Possible culprit #3 - Do you post?  Do you change diagonals from time to
time?  Do you make the horse canter on both leads even if he/she doesn't
want to?  Failing to do this can cause a horse to become asymmetrical
(as well as a rider).

You can figure out what the problem is by exploring these possibilites -
odds are you know where the unevenness is ...

-Abby B

* * *
Abby Bloxsom
ARICP Certified Instructor
Level III Recreational and Distance Riding
Colebrook, CT USA

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