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Sarcoids - Treatment

Karen Standefer
My horse had a sarcoid the size of a silver dollar on his chest.  I
searched the Ridecamp archives and found several people had successfully
used XXterra.  I looked it up and it's a prescription.  My vet really
wanted to do surgery, but I didn't.   She didn't want to give me the
prescription.  So, I researched and found out that the active ingredient
in XXterra is Sanguinaria canadensis which has the common name of Blood
Root.  I found a company that has a paste called cansema that is made from
Sanguinaria canadensis.   I followed the company's instructions for using
on skin cancer..........applied every other day for 10
days.............and it fell off.  It's gone and healing nicely.  Here's a
link to the company:


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