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Thanks for the great response everyone. Of course, after reading about
thousands of feet of sheer drop off maybe I wont be thinking about
entering an endurance ride anytime soon. I had no idea. John, somehow your
experience wasn't very comforting! :) And I mean that in a big grin,
scared but loving your post kind of way!
I am doing several of the things people suggested. Getting off and
walking, sitting up straight and looking ahead. From now on I will be
*smiling* too! Also it's helpful to hear that the horse doesn't want to
fall either.
But just how aware of how far down it is are horses really. Silly or not
that's part of my fear. I'm riding four greenies, two of which are quite
hot. They are very well behaved for their experience level, but more
easily startled and then its patience till they settle back down. How do I
introduce an inexperienced horse, hot or not, to negotiating narrow trails
Great forum, THANKS!

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