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Men in tights...

> The old time Tevis riders rode in jeans, with pantyhose under them.  
You could ride in your $13 comfy Wal-Mart Rustler jeans over a pair of 
any old tights or pantyhose that would fit.  

I don't know if that's a great idea.  They didn't have much choice back
then. I heard one guy describe how he did that and the long hairs on his
legs worked their way thought he hose then sort of knotted up. He
couldn't get the hose off!  Then...of course there's the situation our
illustrious Jerry Fruth got into in Fla. when his horse flipped and Jerry
broke his collarbone. He was in the hospital with a rather "sweet" male
nurse helping him remove his "Queen" sized panty hose. >g<  Also...hose
are expensive!  If you're just worried about the stigma of being in
tights it's all relative.  Show up at an endurance ride and you stick out
more in jeans.  Even if you put something under jeans to make them not
rub, what about when they get wet? Yuk!  The last time I had an extra
horse and Bill went on a real training ride with us he wore tights for
the first time.  Just so happened that his horse decided to roll in a
pond with him and he was glad that was the day he'd decide to wear them. 

If you just don't like the thinness of them I've noticed quite a few guys
wear English riding pants rather than straight tights. They're the same
idea just a little thicker and have a zipper.

I also know guys who just buy "Hanes Her Way" exercise pants at Walmart
for $10.  Those wear out really fast though.  You can try on tights in
the bike department of a sporting goods store to get an idea of what
works.  I like the brushed cotton feel better than the silky slick ones
but to each his own.  The male/female thing isn't a very big deal but
once you find what works.  Then if the rise is too high or whatever you
can send them to Evelyn and say "I want them like this, only with a lower
rise or 2" longer or whatever.

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