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Re: RC: Re: philosophy

At 07:26 PM 11/29/01 -0800, Abigail Aiyagari wrote:
>Most horses don't get retired because they are
>old and they deserve it, they get retired because they get injured and
>can't be used any more.

Oh <yawn>....I'm definitely in a sarcastic mood lately, so I can't resist 
pointing out that over half of the top 10 or 11 highest mileage endurance 
horses of all time are still competing.  Some of the others are no longer 
with us, or are happily retired.  Not because they got injured either, but 
because they are old.  Most horses?  Where do you get your information 
from?  Have you been to any actual endurance rides lately?  Have you looked 
at the people and the horses there competing......there are an awful lot of 
horses that are going year after year.  Go figure.

& Dream Weaver, going on his 8th season (he's going to be 12)
& Rocky....2 years behind
and both horses have recently received their 4,000 mile medallions...and 
are well on their way to 5,000 miles each!

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