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Re: RC: panting

Even if your horse was a known panter...doesn't 
that indicate that some sort of stress is going on??? 

Does not necessarily indicate stress.  Scarlett would stand in her pasture totally at rest and taking quick shallow breaths.  That was just her way.  If she was stressed in any way, she would stop.  

Wouldn't you want 
to wait until the horse was not panting before racing off down the 

Scarlett would come down and by the time I walked over to the out timer, she would be breathing fast again.  She had almost 4,000 miles.

What am I not getting here? What do the vets have to say about 
this kind of situation? 

Most of the vets in my area don't attach any particular importance on respiration/heart rate ratios.  They evaluate respiration on its own merits.

Is there some AERC rule?



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