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Re: RC: Completion Lamess (was Silver State)

My horse buddied up with a group of horses that we rode with on the first loop and came into vet check one together. Wiley has a big problem of "buddying up" with other horses and becoming attached. He would almost be down to criteria, but then he would keep looking around at the other horses coming in and go back up. Then all his buddies pulsed down and left the area --- this didn't help the situation. I'm not trying to make excuses, but accurately state the facts.
----- Original Message -----
To: ;
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:08 AM
Subject: RC: RC: Completion Lamess (was Silver State)

This horse was in the Vet Check trying to reach 64 pulse when we came in.  We pulsed in and Vetted in, and we were at our campsite. The horse wasn't pulsed in yet even after all of that time.  Don't know how long it took to recover, but it was there a long time before it passed the 64 pulse rate.  Couldn't be because the horse wasn't in did the Sunland Ride the weekend before as did the horses that we rode.

Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
18171 Lost Creek Road
Saugus, CA 91390
661/513-9269 or  713-3912

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