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Bask granddaughter

I have a Bask granddaughter that I bought when she was 5 mths old in 1977.  She is still with me and is as sound today as when I got her.  We have done everything together.  She has won a NATRAC ride and Placed 3rd in an endurance 25 mile when she was 18 yrs old.  We have mainly done competive long distance riding( Natrac,Sedra, and mostly endurance)  We have also done barrel racing , dressage, jumping and team penning.  She competed all these years with a 200 plus rider and tack.  I still use here to pony my young horses around to give a good example.  And my neighbor that is a 3-day eventer and trainer uses her as a schooling horse for her young students. So I highly recommend this bloodline.
Happy Trails,Cindy

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