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Re: RC: Mares Idiosycratic Behavior/Riding Mares

I have always ridden mares with the exception of a few geldings (present 
horse is a gelding). My mares were all characters and I loved them. Yes, I 
had one mare in particular that liked to argue with me. If there was a fork 
in the trail, she would want to go one way and I wanted to go the other. We 
would argue about it, and always end up going my way. It was a friendly 
argument though. I talked to them all the time and we felt like "girlfriends" 
out for a ride. If they were having a PMS day, I would give them a pat on the 
neck and tell them I knew exactly how they felt. My geldings have been great, 
but for some reason there was a stronger bond with the mares.

So. Calif.

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