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Re: Building a Tack Cabinet

Wow!  What a great idea.  Now why didn't I think of that to solve my too small grain/tack room problem.  I designed and had my barn built but totally underestimated the necessary space for tack and grain.  Even with the 2 horses I then had it wasn't really big enough.  Now I have 4 horses and no space for all the tack, feed, supplements, shampoos, liniments, fly sprays, EZ boots, leg wraps, blankets, etc.  . . . all the stuff we accumulate and think we have to have!
I'd love to see a sketch of the design, or more specifics on it.  Are you using fixed saddle racks or collapsible  ones?  Or folding metal ones?  So many options.
I haven't found tap lights that are bright enough.  How about installing a light bar with a long cord coming out the rear or side where it could easily be plugged in?
Betty Edgar
-----Original Message-----
From: Cheryl Ann <>
My newest project is a big rolling wooden tack cabinet to store stuff in. It is 4x4x8, plywood and 2x4, w/ saddle racks, shelves, bridle racks, etc.

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