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Re: Treeless saddles

Hey Karen! :+]

I just can't understand how a rigid tree can *fit* 
a back that is constantly moving (maybe when the horse is standing tied to the hitching post??). 
I know there are some saddles with flexible trees, like the SR saddles, and the concept of a 
flexing tree makes a lot of sense to me, 
especially if the saddle was custom 
At the last few rides I've been to, 
I've noticed that two of the most commonly 
used saddles seem to be SR enduro saddles
 and sportssaddles. 
I think a lot of people are discovering
 sportssaddles, and having a lot of success
 with them.
Obviously, not everyone can afford to order
 a custom made saddle for their hard to fit 
horse, so maybe going treeless is the next best bet. 


<<My reply to this many "trees" fit horses exactly?  the tree can't
distribute weight evenly if it doesn;t fit the back exactly, and in my
opinion, it never will, since the back changes shape so many times when the
horse lifts or lowers it's head, or turns....gains muscle or weight, etc,



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