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Re: RC: RC: dressage and endurance

Cindy and Sue,  Wow, that's what I've been trying to tell people;  that
dressage is SUCH a complement to endurance riding;  When you ever get
bored with the slow, precise dressage stuff, find a good reining
instructor and try that stuff.  Wowee, done right, it is dressage done
FASTER, on a loose rein.  I am blessed to have an instructor up here
where the dressage riders go to make better dressage horses;  She
understands the concepts so well, and does reining in competition, that
the dressage riders go to her to fix problems that occur from being "on
the bit" too much.  Good training is good training, no matter what type
saddle you sit on.  YOU GALS GO!!  Renie

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