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Rider Wanted
Stan Moyer stan.moyer@twa.com
Yo Susan,
I can still fit in size 34 jeans, but don't like cowboy hats, can ride a
horse but don't like shoeing them (that sore back thing), have a Ford
truck,but you can do your own laundry (do the bras go in with the really
dirty jeans or the dress shirts?). I already clean the chicken coop and
stack hay and understand the pathway of the hindgut is to the wheelbarrow.
I work for bankrupt TWA so will be jobless soon and have to go in the
basement when company comes. Real bummer. Oh, and don't you live out there
in that desert counrty??? Don't like that either, I like trees on my hills
and water in my creeks.
Guess you can cross me off your list....
What was that payment again???? Your horses any good???? :-)
Stan in KS
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