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MY new horse!!

Bob was right, everyone has a new horse, so I'll tell you about mine!!  He was mentioned here during the slaughter horse threads - he came from the killer pen as the SugarCreek Ohio auction and I bought him from the girl who saved him - her friend had posted here.  It seems that he had been in the pen for three weeks because they hadn't taken a load to the plant recently- Lucky for him, eh?
He is between 8-10, grey, super big hard feet and nice bone.  They say he had papers when he went through the ring, but when the killer buyer bought him, they threw them away.  I don't know what day that was, so I can't trace the consignor.  He is out with two ancient ponies (as good as I can get to 'isolation') He seems very kind and friendly, but not trusting, yet.  The girl who rescued him rode him and said he was very good, but we haven't ridden him yet.
His name is Sugarcreek Special (get it??) and we call him Scoobie.  Look for us next year!!!
Laura Hayes  #2741

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