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Beth's GLOVER'S new horse !! We have identical twins !!!

Laura T
Congrads Beth GLOVER !!!  Finally you are at fruition!  So does that mean
we won't be hearing any more
funny horse selling/buying tales?

I know you are enjoying your new horse.  SOMEDAY, we have to ride
together!  Both of our guys are so
similar.  Twins, I swear they look like twins.  Must be all that Crabbet
breeding!!  Well of COURSE it is all
that wonderful Crabbet breeding!

I wish we could train together!!   But whom should pick up the other in
the trailer?  Just walking down the
road in the neighborhood would be interesting.

We should post some pictures togethee or something.  Hey, if Susan G, you,
and me all rode together, THAT would be
REALLY cool.  I noticed on her website she also has the same "color
scheme" as we do.  And you know, when
we were looking for prospects, this color combo was not a priority.  It is
just icing on the cake.  I never
choose a horse by it's color.  Can't ride a color.

How will anybody be able to tell them apart?  I know mine has a freeze
mark from Kyro Kenetics.

Happy Trails!

Laura and Diamonds INXS

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