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RE: Mashed Maggot heads?

I was doing a quick scan on my email before rushing out to ride and Outlook happened to open at this. Calle, I'm sure that we have maggots by the million here, but 15 years of reliable living in Egypt would tell you that you couldn't get a maggot into me or my horses for love or money.  ROTFLMAO!!!  I'm sure that they grow the little buggers in big factories, grind them  up and make a powder or something.  But truly I've found some wonderful old remedies here for things. We use a clay that's collected in the desert on our horses tendons to cool them.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt

-----Original Message-----
From: Calle Mirkowsky []
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 8:52 AM
Subject: RC: Mashed Maggot heads?

Ok, I'm serious about this. Today I was looking through Tom Ivers The Fit Racehorse 2 and came across something. Acient Egypt recorded the first use of proteolytic enzymes, which break down proteins, to fight inflammation- derived frommashed maggot heads. Unlike bute, these enzymes are good for the digestive tract- if you can get those heads down! Results of 30 years of reliable studies show that these enzymes are quite effective and there cheap.      Suposibly pain, swelling, edema and recovery time are all increased with the taking.

Have any of you ever heard of this before? I'm not into supplements unless it's absulutly necesary. One more. I feed corn for Carbs but any recomendations on protein rich everyday food.


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