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>It really doesn't matter that you don't see why it would be against the rules 
>if he is not entered, it is in fact a rule.  [See AERC Rule 6 k].  As for 
>butting out, as an elected official of the AERC I took an oath to uphold the 
>rules so I am just doing my job.

I'm well aware of the rule quoted below...please note "paced or
prompted".  If he rides along 100 yards behind with duct tape over his
lips, he is not pacing or prompting. Does this mean the drag rider must
be entered in the ride or he must ride "x" number of yards behind the
last rider to avoid be accused of "pacing and prompting"? It all depends
on your interpretation. If this is an earth shaking violation, perhaps
the rules should be changed to "Accompanied"? or "On the same trail"? or
"Within shouting distance"?  

My apologies if I ruffled your feathers. but it appeared to me you were
objecting to a "good" thing which was potentially beneficial to the
juniors AND the sport.   I think "intent" is the issue here. The most he
should get is 40 lashes with dental floss, encouragement for his
support, and a gentle reminder regarding the reason for the rules in
this area.  

k. Not having been paced or prompted by an
un-entered,                     withdrawn, or otherwise unauthorized
equine, vehicle, or a
person other than another entrant. This does not preclude the
ordinary support services of attendants or pit crews. A crew
may accompany their rider down a public road in a support
vehicle (unless there is a ride management prohibition against
it) provided they do not push or haze the equine.

Jim and Sun of Dimanche

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