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Whoo-ee, maybe y'all might want to think about coming over to the CT
region.  I've been doing LD's for over a year now and have always felt
more than welcome and never like a second class citizen.  There's always
a meeting with the vet after the regular ride meeting for any LD'ers 
that may have more questions.  It's really an open environment.

Tall C Arabians -- TX

On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 07:38:23 -0800 "Karen Sullivan" <>
> > Debbie Ekhaml
> > Hi Ridecampers,
> > Just some thoughts-I have recently gone back to LD from Endurance 
> because
> I'm starting a new horse (he's almost 7)  I must say I was pretty 
> shocked at
> how poorly the LDers are viewed and treated.
> > I just returned from the Fire Mt. ride.  I enjoyed the ride; it 
> was well
> run and nice weather.  I was dismayed however, to listen to the Duck 
> give a
> 15 minute diatribe about how bad LD was
> > and how "many more horse deaths occurred from LD than Endurance" 
> how LDers
> overide their horses etc.
> HI Debbie,
> I will not comment on LD versus endurance, but have a few comments 
> to say on
> how the veterinarians are dealing with the issues.  I went to a ride 
> where I
> dropped from the 50 to 25 the night before (my horse was more than 
> ready,
> but I was fighting a flu). The pre-ride meeting had a diatribe (as 
> you
> describe it), from the head vet, where he said the LD'ers were 
> pretty much
> scum; that they sure better know how to do their own P & R's, not 
> get into
> trouble and expect any help from the vets, and better damn well get 
> out of
> the way for the 50's. It left a really bad taste in my mouth, and I 
> thougt
> sure would have discouraged any newbees from continuing in the 
> sport.

<snipped for space>

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