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RE: Temper tantrums?

As "cruel" as it may sound - an unbreakable nylon rope halter (no hardware to break) and a Parelli lead rope (nylon yacht rope with unbreakable bolt) firmly tied to a secure ring (like on a trialer or on a telephone pole) worked for me with Drako who formerly would not tie.  He would throw a tantrum and try and get away, but since nothing broke or gave, he eventually gave up after about three tying sessions.  Plus pulling against a thin rope will apply pressure to the poll and will not be comfortable until the horse relaxes.  It just looked scary when he was tantrumming - he never injured himself.  He was headshy when I got him so I had an equine chiro check him out after these these sessions and he had no injury or misalignments show up at all.  I always tie him at the rack to feed goodies to him, so now tying is a "good" thing in his mind.  
I am not as interested in the bungee type of thing because if it does break someplace, I wouldn't want to have a metal projectile rebounding into my horses face. 
I DID have Beau freak out (spooked) while I had him tied to the trailer with a short bungee trailer tie while I was tacking up.  It didn't break and he did eventually calmed down.  But this is a horse that has generally no problems with tying.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Thompson []
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 9:36 AM
To: Lynette Helgeson; Ridecamp
Subject: RC: Temper tantrums?

She obviously had a defective rope then.  Also, there have been many knock-offs produced since the original Leader came on the market.

I had several and none of them broke.  They *will* kind of stretch out after a while though if pulled on many times.


Lynette Helgeson wrote:" type="cite">
Hello Jennifer,

Tuesday, September 25, 2001, 1:44:59 PM, you wrote:

JT> I will second the recommendation for The Leader lead rope. Actually, my
JT> old farrier, Tom Ferguson, founded the company that makes them. He used
JT> to give them to me for free when he was out trimming my mare.

JT> Anyway, my mare turned into a puller when she was about 3 years old.
JT> She spooked and snapped the hardware on a regular lead rope once and
JT> that started the habit. I started using the bungee lead rope on her,
JT> and she quickly learned that there was no escape and pulling back was
JT> useless - it kept pulling her back towards the hitching rail and would
JT> not break. I used it for about a year (out of paranoia - I probably
JT> would have been fine with only a few months) before finally switching
JT> back to a regular lead rope. She has not sat back since.

JT> Jen nifer

JT> Bob & Amber Roberts wrote:

A belly rope tying her to a Pin Oak in the pasture.
Any other ideas?

We had a horse that did the same thing.  A "trainer" let him break loose
and it started the problem. We ended up buying a lead rope called "The
Leader" which is like a bungie cord. It doesn't give the horse anything to
pull against as it gives with the horse. It solved our problem.


I have a sister-in-law who has a horse that started to pull back at
the trailer, snap two cotton ropes in half. She bought a bungee rope
and tied her up with that, she pulled it out from the snap with one
pull. It did not work.

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