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Where does UAE stand?

Wendy Merendini
Angie and All,
Why on earth would Endurance becoming an Olympic Sport be
effected by whether or not the UAE recognizes the Taliban?  Why
would you envision the need for increased security for an
Olympic endurance ride?  The ride would not be held in the UAE,
it would be in whatever country is hosting the Olympics, correct?
Am I missing something?

I would not make the assumption that the Most Preferred is
history.  USA riders may not participate in 2002 - it is a bit
"hot" in the Middle East at the moment and travel by Americans
would not be smart until this is over.  That said the UAE does
not have a "hate Americans" policy as do factions in some of the
other Middle Eastern countries.  In fact Dubai is working
becoming a major trade and tourism center.

Additionally, the Taliban is just Afghanistan (and is not loved by all
Afghanis) - they do not speak for all of the Middle
Eastern countries, nor do they have any undo influence over
the other countries in the region.

The last thing I would worry about in this currect sitution is
the fate of Endurance now or in the future.

Wendy Merendini
Force Protection/Anti-Terrorism Officer
Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, CA

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