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Temple Grandin

Have to say I am extremely skeptical of anyone who thinks Temple Grandin 
doesn't know more than just about anyone else about slaughter and livestock 
handling, and I sincerely doubt that one day of trying to pull the wool 
over her eyes, even if it were attempted, would be successful. The woman 
has way more than one day's worth of experience here.
                                            --CMNewell, DVM

I can understand your faith in Temple Grandin considering her "qualifications".  For a person with her handicap, she has done amazing things, but attending college does not add to one's common sense, rather, it tends to add to one's buracracy.  I have read both sides of the story and I cannot dismiss all of the eye witness reports of rescuers who frequent New Holland, who did so before Temple was there, while she was there, and after she was there.  Her flawed study set the rescue world on fire.

Rescuers are not people who thrive on making up terrible stories just to get attention, not that I took your post to imply that.  It's just that as a rescuer myself, I would like nothing better than to have a good report concerning anything regarding transport or slaughter, but the good report must be authentic, and Temple's was anything but authentic.
I believe that anyone who has looked into both sides of the story regarding Temple's study would agree.  There used to be some good information on it on the EPN's web site.  I haven't been there in a while, as the study is a couple of years old.  I've switched computers several times since then, so I don't have it bookmarked.  Maybe someone else on the list has it and can share it.

I hope I haven't offended you in any way.  I appreciate your comments.


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