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tracking history of rescues

Karen said,
<<With the rescue horses, you have no idea if they have
internal damage from parasites..>>

With Arabians and freeze-marked horses of any breed, this isn't always true.
You can track their history better than other rescueds via the Registry.
It's possible to call the previous owners and get to know them somewhat over
the telephone or go see them.  It takes a lot of time looking at all the
search results, but I've done it.  Sometimes the horse isn't passed around
much or at all before being auctioned.

It's very difficult, however, when your obviously Arabian rescue doesn't
have any markings, and impossible if it was never registered (more common
for culls and Half-Arabians, even when high-quality).

If you're rescuing, get as many details as you can immediately from the
seller:  where from, names, numbers, etc.  Then find a friend who'll show
you how to use the CD to ID your horse as soon as possible.  Some auction
horses we've bought come from excellent homes, any way you look at the
criteria.  Their owners were "respectable businessmen in the horse industry"
that sold to people they didn't check out.  One previous owner told me he
asks questions but "when you sell a horse you lose control".


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