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Re: RC: Norco injury

In a message dated 9/2/01 3:58:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

.  Me, being the silly
inexperienced novice (let's get that out of the way), am
simply horrified to think that her mare (who lives next door to my horse)
suffered without vet attention or at least a ride to
the camp.  Is that typical of endurance rides?  Should I give
up the idea of participating right now for fear my horse would
be left to die?  Because if that is how emergency situations
are handled and prioritized...count me out.  

I guess you have to take into account that you are riding a horse for 50/100
whatever miles and you are not always going to be close to a rescue trailer
or a veterinarian.  If you can't deal with that fact, then you definitely
should stick to an arena.  Another thing to consider (as far as the horse
nicking an artery and bleeding)....horses have lots of blood.  What might
look like a scene from Silence of the Lambs is really not a life threatening
amount of blood in a horse.  Apply pressure, wait for the bleeding to
slow/stop then walk to the nearest help spot.  Believe me I know how scary it
is....I had to walk/ride basically 14 miles to get my horse to a rescue
trailer at this year's Tevis.  Do I blame the ride?  Nope.  Do I think I
shouldn't have been out there?  Nope.  Stuff happens and I really think if I
asked my horse "Do you wanna stick to the arena where its safe, or do you
wanna hit the trail?"  He'd vote Trail every time (me too!).

Bottom line... its just about impossible to have vets/rescue trailers
available within 1/2 mile of each and every possible accident location
(horses being basically accidents waiting to happen and all).  If that idea
bothers you enough, then no, you shouldn't give endurance a try.

Sylvia & Harca

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