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West Nile Virus Vaccine for equines

Lyn Dunbar
My vet has just called to tell me that the West Nile Virus vaccine for
equines was just approved and she has already gone through her first 70
shots today.  She said for me to do some research (she knows I would :->)
and think over the weekend about giving my two horses shots, and then I
could reserve shots when she gets her next shipment in the first of next
week.  She said that she is comfortable with the science behind the
vaccine since it is the same as the ones for EEE & WEE that have been
given for years.  Has anybody else heard anything about the vaccine or
about infection rates of the virus?

I am in Huntsville, AL and we have a confirmed case of West Nile virus in
a dead bird in Birmingham (about 100 miles away) and now a confirmed case
in Decatur, AL which is only about 30 miles away.

Lyn Dunbar

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